Let Em RollSocial Riders minutes from club meetings
Minutes from 10th February 2024
Subject; Fun Day at Dip road
Fun Day at Dip road
meeting held at Maria & Bregga's - Dip road
meeting started at 1pm, which was started with a karakia by Bongo.
Apologies - Jax, Possum, Leanne, Lance, Chris, Striker...
In attendance - Pope, Chrissy, Gordon, Anna, Teeps,Tubby, Moni, Maria, Bregga, Dave, Kate, Henry, Graeme[Annas friend], Bongo, Slippers and Anaru, Teeps & Henry's younger brother .
Discussions - Bongo has taken over the webpage site for the club....anything that any member wants put onto the page can be forwarded to him.
- a query was raised as to what happened to the two subs that were paid at the last AGM...issue to be raised with outgoing Treasurer.
-Vector files for our badges has been located...these are required, to be able to have new badges made - Bongo.
-Treasurer position to be filled - Tony has tendered his resignation for the position of Treasurer - Chrissy has put her hand up to take over as interim Treasurer until next AGM... a motion was put forward by Moni to accept, seconded by Gordon and passed unanimously...cheers Chrissy.
- Anna asked where certain items belonging to the club were...Bongo responded by saying "put a list together of items then we can ask the question"
Anna - Anna gave out 2023 year badges to all paid up members present at the meeting, one member paid up, and monies was forwarded to incoming Treasurer..
Bregga - Bregga distributed Flyers/invites to each member so these can be given out to "good buggers" whom you wish to attend the Fun Day.
Anna offered up a bbq for the day- needs to check with her daughter if we can use it.
Maria to pick up booze, amount to be determined by the number of people attending, and to organise the portaloo and enquire into the use of a marquee.
Teeps will tend the bar [if his schedule allows]
Dave will be on the bbq and assisting at the bar.
Chris[Bones] and Monique have offered to sell the quickfire raffles on the day, raffles include a brand new full face helmet, bottles of whiskey etc.
Anna will be organising bar tickets.
Dean will be directing parking
Everyone is to bring something to add to the mutton that will be cooked up by Bregga/Maria...a plate, pot, salad whatever
Camping available, signs will be posted as to where these sites will be.
meeting closed with a karakia- Bongo.
Minutes from 10th March 2024
Meeting at Bongo's
13.34 pm -Meeting started with prayer/ karakia by Bongo
Apologies - Jax, Teeps, Slippers,Chris, Tubby, Genie, Skipper.
In Attendance - Bongo, Possum, Caretaker, Smurfette, Wench, Pirate, Butcher, Squirrel, Bregga and Kate.
This meeting was seperate to the 2nd meeting on the same the day as we needed to minute it for the signatories to be changed over.
We needed a quorum of 7 people to do this.
A motion was moved to remove two signatories from the Let Em Roll src Kiwibank account, the two signatories being Peter Coakley and Tony Mannell.
Motion moved by Bongo and seconded by Bregga, the motion found all in favour.
Another motion was moved to install Christina Miekle [Wench] and Stephen Allen [Teeps] as the new signatories to the Let Em Roll src Kiwibank account.
Motion was moved by Gordon [Pirate] and seconded by Anna [Smurfette]. Again all were in favour of the motion.
First part of the meeting was closed off at 13.47pm.
13.49pm 2nd part of meeting began.
Same attendees and same apologies as previously recorded.
Discussions re : Fun on Wheels Day
It was considered by everyone present, that the FOW day was a success in regards to raising funds for the club, thanks went out to everyone who were front and centre, right through to those who operated in the background. Discussions also about what was done well and issues that can be improved with regards to safety and first aid equipment. Better time management for games also.
Ideas of what to spend funds on included buying another gazebo for the club, through to subsidising club rides. Possum suggested we could look at doing support rides for local support services, such as Fire Brigade and causes such as the Bald Angels.
Smurfette spoke to the issue of designs for a Supporter T shirt, several ideas were put forward and a general consensus for a design and how it should present was agreed upon, Smurfette to organise and present to the club.
A motion to this effect was put forward, moved by Bregga, seconded by Bongo all in favour.
discussion around putting LeRsrc at bottom, of the back of our club shirts along with the year established, this was not motioned but there was agreement to maybe look at it in the future.
Also discussion around starting up an online shop to facilitate the sale of club apparel and any motorcycle bits and pieces that any club member may want to sell. This would require a highly skilled individual who would be interested in pursuing this idea.
meeting ended 14.36pm with a prayer/ karakia by Bongo.